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Author Name, Author Name, Publication Journal Name. 2021;8000-9000. doi: 11.123456/0001-123.

Author Name, Author Name, Author Name. Publication Journal Name. 2021;8000-9000. doi: 11.123456/0001-123.





In a recent survey (reference), the majority (4% always, 65% sometimes/frequently) of oncologists responded that they start VEGFRi at a lower dose and titrate up to prevent HFSR. For Grade 2 HFSR, 59% of practicing oncologists considered VEGFRi dose reduction as a treatment option. For patients not responding to standard therapies for HFSR, 78% of oncologists chose dose interruption of VEGFRi treatment. 



In a recent survey (ref), a high percentage (90%) of oncologists focus on symptom prevention. A majority (70%) start anti-cancer therapy at a lower dose to prevent CID. Over 90% of surveyed oncologists responded that they would treat CID prophylactically if a new agent was available. 


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